28th Day Of Life, more like death

Devi Nandana
2 min readApr 28, 2021


Here’s an incident from back in 2009. On my 28th day of life, I saw death. Well I didn’t see death cos I was a 28 days old child but whatever, you know what I mean.

Of course, I don’t remember it myself but my family for sure knows every bit of it.

From what I have heard (they probably hide a lot from that incident because of how hard it must be for them), milk got in my nose..? I’m serious. Milk in my nose. WHAT?

It all started when my mother was giving me bottle milk or something (im trying very hard to connect the dots so please bare with me). I was laying down while drinking the milk (DO NOT EAT OR DRINK ANYTHING WHILE LAYING DOWN THAT IS A VERY BIG MISTAKE) and then I jerked my legs up suddenly, and the milk got in my nose..? Kind of an idiot move from my end not gonna lie.

My dad pulled out the keys, rushed us into the car, and drove faster than Lightning McQueen.

I was rushed into the ICU.

The milk was sucked out of my nose. (this sounds funnier than it is)

I don’t know why, but when I think about the incident, I almost remember the way I was not able to breathe when the milk was in my nose.

My mother was more worried about my sister than me (rude). My sister waited 9 months and as soon as I was born she started reading me stories. She prayed so many months or years for a sibling and now on the 28th day I was already gonna leave?

Thankfully, the doctor sucked out the milk from my nose, and I was safe (and i was just sleeping through the whole thing, and i wasn’t even able to thank her).

I don’t know whether I was dreaming or not, but I remember my mother mentioning that it was a relative of ours (who is now considered like an enemy apparently because of a fight) who saved myself. Sometimes our biggest enemies are our heroes.

The story may seem short, but in reality it could feel like forever.

I wish my family would tell me more about the incident so I could tell you more. But I can see why they would avoid the topic.

There are many more incidents where I have looked at death in the eyes, but that’s for some other days.




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