All up to you.

Devi Nandana
3 min readApr 8, 2021


As the night approaches, the whole family knows what the girl is going to do. She runs up the stairs and makes her way to her bedroom. She gets all her things and puts it on the bed. She ignores the fact that she is tired. She turns on the Christmas lights she had hung up in her room, and forgotten to take it down for it was too beautiful. She approaches her window and stares out at her lawn and the new beautiful neighborhood she had moved into. She sees her neighbor’s dog silently standing in the shadows like usual. She noticed that it was snowing gently. Usually, she would be excited and freak out a bit and call her friend to see the snow, for her friend lived in a different country where it never snowed. But today, she decided to appreciate the still night and enjoy the calmness. The Christmas lights changed color and twinkled. It was so peaceful.. until all of a sudden the door flung open and the girls little annoying brother barged in! She was very annoyed but surprisingly on this day she was grateful for him to even exist whether he was a nuisance or not. After her brother left leaving behind a mighty mess in the yet so tiny room, she glanced at the clock.

9:00 PM.

She looked around. Endless possibilities. She would usually lay in her bed and watch some YouTube, play video games, watch Netflix! But today, was a strange feeling. She took out her pen and paper. She felt the airs of Colchester had made her come take the pen and paper for a reason. She tried REALLY hard to try and construct some ideas for her medium account. 10 minutes and 0 ideas. She closed the book and sat there for a bit. There was a strange emptiness in her stomach. She let the thought fly and turned on her laptop to watch youtube. There was a video in her recommendations that caught her eye. “Bi-Polar disorder : What is it?” by Psych2Go. Her friend had recently had an issue with this topic, and the girl wanted to learn about this disorder. But she let it slide, since it would feel negative, to know that someone would have to deal with this. She ended up opening her phone to play some Roblox. She joined a game and as soon as she loaded in, she saw people bullying someone. She would have loved to help that person but she decided it was not worth injecting negative thoughts in your skin. She looked at the clock again.

10 PM.

Wow, time really flies. She realized that none of her ideas were exactly going to plan. She opened her window once again, since she felt looking outside really helped. The neighbor’s dog had gone back inside. The snow had melted but you could see some snow on the ground. She suddenly saw movement near the bushes. She looked really really close. She saw a brown figure. She immediately took her flashlight and pointed at it! Yes! As she expected, it was a fox, orange in color. She only saw the tail running away, but that was enough evidence. How on earth did it even get in the yard? She suddenly heard a yell from the other house. Was it what she thought it was? Yep, her noisy neighbors were having a bonfire in their yard. The two children were trying to enjoy while the parents argued. She immediately closed the window, because she was fed up with their nonsense. None of what she wanted to do was really happening, so she decided to hit the hay. As she lay in bed, looking at the clock, trying to get some sleep, she realized that what she had done was simply toss away any opportunity for negativity! It came to her understanding that negativity and positivity is all up to you. If your a drama filled person, you would seek negativity.

What a message to spread!



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