Ever heard of these rabbit sized animals? Me neither, until.. well until I heard about it.
Let me show you an image of these animals and just picture or even jot down your guesses on what it could be like!
It kind of looks like an aardvark.. kind of like a rat.. kind of like a rabbit..
Do you think it might be dangerous? I mean, if nature can do more bizzare things then it could be dangerous!
These animals, called Bandicoots, are of 20 species! Of small to medium sized, these terrestrial animals are Omnivores! Which means they eat both plants and.. meat… Anyhow, they are from Australia! Who would have not guessed! Almost all strange animals we haven’t heard of are from Australia! Or the ocean. (I keep making a point then disproving myself)
I also mentioned that they were “terrestrial animals”. This simply means the animals that live on the land of earth.
The bandicoot gets its name from its appearance of looking like a pig and a rat. Look at that image again and tell me if you see a pig. I don’t but let’s move on.
It seems this bandicoot looks like more animals!
According to google : It has a sharp, pointed nose with rodent-like teeth. It has hind feet with fused toes like those of a kangaroo.
Ok then, looks like other people have way more skills in observing than me..
Some of you might be even thinking about adopting one! Well let me tell you, that these animals are endangered. And it is illegal to trap or kill them. Their also nocturnal so you wouldn’t be too excited to see your pet sleeping all day would you?
Now back to the initial question. Are Bandicoots dangerous? Yes they are! Just like rodents, Bandicoots also carry diseases. Some deadly diseases! They spread stuff like plague and typhus.. not so cute anymore huh?
They are also agricultural pests! I think I have changed your mind completely about these animals huh?
Comment/ Reply what you would name your Bandicoot if you could actually keep them as a pet! I personally would name it “Bandi-cute”!
As much as I want to keep writing, I wouldn’t want to keep you reading forever! Maybe I shall make a part two! But till next time, this is Devi Nandana signing off! Bye bye!