Bandicoot : The Sequel (dun dun dun)

Devi Nandana
2 min readApr 6, 2021


We meet again! If you haven’t already, please do read my previous article on Bandicoots, for we are going to be starting off from where we stopped.

How has your day been? I have been trying to upload regularly but school seems to be having other plans!

I absolutely adore writing about animals, so if you have any suggestions, please do tell me in the reply section!

Now.. Bandicoots! We could just keep reading and reading about them! But I don’t want to bore you so I will not take too much of your time.

Imagine you live in Australia. Your just living your life peacefully in your cozy house. One night, you’ve turned off your lights and your ready to go to bed. Suddenly, you hear a weird noise. You turn on the lights to check what that noise is. You see a small brown rabbit-sized creature. A Bandicoot! And another one! Look there’s one behind the curtain! Your house seems to be INFESTED with these animals! What on earth do you do to get rid of them! Clearly, you can’t trap or kill them because that would be a ride straight to prison! Now here’s what you need to know incase this happens.

  1. Bandicoots hate light and they avoid the well-lit areas. (ever been to google before?)
  2. Remove their food source. Bandicoots eat insects, spiders, earthworms, plant tubers, roots etc. If you remove their food source then they immediately go away.

Did you know that Bandicoots can only live about 2 to 4 years?

Do Bandicoots bite? Typically, no.

Never hold your bandicoot by the tail by the way (who would be so stupid to do that) because then their poor hind legs can dislocate easily.

During the night, the Bandicoots roam around. Well what about during day? During the day, they sleep in their very well hidden nest which can be in a hole or a log. They make their nests using leaves, sticks and grass.

That’s all I have about Bandicoots! I feel like I have bored you to death enough now. What are your thoughts about Bandicoots? Would you ever try to go to Australia just to see one? Or will you never even dare speak about this creature? This is Devi Nandana signing off. Goodbye!



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