Fight for what is right; The story of Anodama and JeonWoon

Devi Nandana
5 min readJan 26, 2021


There was once a beautiful island. But nobody dared to go to this island.

Many reports came in, about many mysteries. People who went in search of this island went missing. Once, a man who had ventured out to seek what was behind all of this went missing and his boat was found in shreds on a shore.

“How can an island in the Indian ocean be so dangerous? Surely it's nothing? It's probably some kind of joke”

The North Sentinel Island is no joke. This island is the home of the Sentinelese. They are a tribe of people, who hunt down and mercilessly kill anyone they sight. Many reports say that fishermen who lose their way and enter the sight of this tribe are mercilessly killed.

Now, let's head over and see the main character of this story.

A girl, who was apart of this tribe was born on April the third of 2013. She was named Anodama. She grew up and she is now around the age of 7. She lived a very fun life. She was also taught to defend herself at a very young age.

Anodama loves to walk on the edge of the sea along with two of her friends when the food was being prepared. They were supervised by one of her friends Grandma. They were supervised because they might attempt to leave the island.

But on the 25th of January 2021, she was alone. Her friends and Grandma had to help with the food work as tomorrow there would be the festival. The Festival is an annual event that happens, with many activities and fun. This day is celebrated as “The Festival” (I know very straight forward) in their language, because on “National Republic day of India” there would be so much noise coming from the country and islands, that they could hear it till the Sentinel Island!

Anyways, Anodama went on a walk on the shore by herself. She was hoping to find some shells and maybe if she's lucky, she can find crabs for dinner!

She walked for 3 minutes and then she suddenly found something. It was a black pointy stick thing sticking out of the sand. She started digging slowly.

She gasped and yelled “AGA AGA!” in excitement. She threw the walkie talkie to the side and picked up the conch that she found. “EE uuu laalala” she yelled happily and started to dance.

Suddenly out of nowhere, a voice started speaking “Hello? Hello? Testing Testing”

What was happening?! The voice sounded so unnatural... Anodama looked around. She got her fists ready, for a fight. Then as she was walking around and looking for the person she accidentally stepped on the walkie-talkie.

She picked it up and the voice started speaking again. “Hello? Can you hear me?”

“Pa pa,” Anodama said.

“Hello?! Who is this?!” The voice continued.

“Na an Anya” Anodama replied.

The person in the walkie talkie realized that this was a little girl. You must be curious to know who this person is. This voice was of a girl, all the way from South Korea! Her name was JeonWoon.

They both talked for ages until Anodama’s mother told her to come for dinner. Anodama kept this treasure safely and kept this a secret. Every day, she would tell her friends that she cant come for their daily walks, and went to a private place to talk to this girl.

Soon, they became very close. Anodama found out this girl's name. She even started understanding English a bit!

Their friendship lasted for over 8 months. Soon, Anodama was quite good at English! And JeonWoon started to understand more of this language that Anodama spoke.

They knew everything about each other! Anodama didn’t expect the outsiders to be so friendly! Everybody in the Tribe had such a bad idea. She wishes she could tell them, that they aren't as bad as everyone assumes.

Eventually, she decided that she was going to tell her family the TRUTH.

While they were eating cooked crabs with salt on top, she began (translated from the language they spoke) “Humans are good people.” The room went silent. “All the rumors, are false. They're not the villains.”

“Anodama.” her father started. “How do you know? These people have tried to attack us, and you have SEEN IT.”

“THEY DID NOT.” Anodama shouted with tears in her eyes. “WE KILLED THEM WHEN THEY DID NOTHING.”

“ANODAMA.” her father shouted. “ENOUGH. We will not talk about this any further. Go to your corner.”

Anodama ran to her corner. She told JeonWoon what had happened that fateful night. JeonWoon replied “I told my parents about you, Anodama. They told me I cant talk to you anymore. They said you are dangerous. This will be the last time I can ever talk to you.. Im sorry”

After, she said her goodbyes to JeonWoon she went to the sea shore to watch the sunset. She remembered what JeonWoon had said to her. “Fight for what is right. Someday your voice will be heard”

Many days became months. Anodama had become very silent and thoughtful. She kept remembering JeonWoon. She wanted to prove a point to her father. But how?

One day as she was pondering she heard a noise from above. She looked up. It was a white solid thing flying in the sky! She stared at it in awe. How beautiful it was! She remembered JeonWoon telling her about a metal thing that flies in the sky and it was used to carry people to different places!

Suddenly as she was admiring it six men came running with arrows and started shooting at it.

“NO PLEASE STOP!” she yelled and begged in their tribe language. “THERE ARE PEOPLE IN THERE!”

They continued shooting at it. Her father joined in and started shooting arrows with fire at the tip of it.


These people who she trusted as her own family seemed to be taking so much pride and joy in doing such cruel things. She broke down into tears because she knew she was helpless.

Suddenly a sharp but weak voice said “Boys! Stop this at once!”

The place went silent. Anodama looked up. It was her friends’ grandma! The wisest of them all!

“See? They are going away. They do not mean any kind of harm.” she continued.

Everyone put their weapons down.

From that day onwards, the Sentinelese never hurt the people who lost their way. This gave the world a new impression on them. But the place stayed forbidden as nobody wanted to take over the Tribe’s privacy.

And this was the story of JeonWoon and Anodama.

Disclaimer: This story is not real. Although, this island is real and it is FORBIDDEN to go there. You will be mercilessly killed if you try.



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