I interviewed a kid..
Hello, people of the internet! Today, I asked my friend’s younger brother some questions and his answers were hilarious and so random!
What’s a rule that you hate in school?
I don’t like to write in my book, because it is hard work.
Yes, of course, humans should not be working hard. So, why do we go to school actually?
Because we are all naughty.
I have heard that you like geography and such. So what’s a place you would like to visit?
Greenland or else Artic or else Antarctica.
Why do people die?
People like fish and they die like fish. Because they are dead.
(it sounds like I am making this whole interview up but trust me i actually asked these questions)
Can you catch a cloud?
Him : I can’t because it’s too high.
Me : Well what if you were in an aero plane or something?
Him : Then i cant catch it because we all sleep
His older sister in the back : We all don't sleep, YOU sleep
Why do you like chocolate?
Because it’s yummy. ( And the explanation of the year goes to…)
Why do we need to go shopping?
Because they don’t have anything food that’s why. ( i lost brain cells hearing that)
What is your favorite book?
I like reading comic books.
What makes you sad?
I don’t like bee. (13 reasons why)
Why do we need fire?
We need fire for camping. (It all makes sense now ; our ancestors needed fire to roast marshmallows and sing camping songs and tell scary stories while a bear chases them)
Why do we need water?
Because it is summer. (logic has left the chat)
What makes you happy?
I watch TV all day.
What are your talents?
I am good at nothing. (after further asking he says-) I am good at playing with friends.
Who is your favorite person in the whole world?
My best friend.
Will you ever grow older than your older sister?
No because she is very very very very very very very very very very old. She is hundreds and thousands of years old. She is taller than the building!!
Are you a good friend?
I am a good friend for Mom. (such a mommy’s boy)
I have saved the best one for last because this is absolutely hilarious!
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Train Station.