If Unicorns were real..

Devi Nandana
3 min readApr 9, 2021


The feel of spring was amazing! Colors, flowers, and parties! She woke up with a shock as her alarm clock screamed until she was awake. She rubbed her eyes, wanting to go back to sleep until she realized what day it was! Easter!!! She had always loved Easter! She quickly got out of bed and did all her morning things.

Easter was only one day, and she wasn’t going to miss out one bit!

She looked outside the window, staring at the clouds and the sky as she was waiting for her toast to be ready. She was in her day dream mode again, watching all the clouds move past, trying to figure out what the clouds shapes meant, seeing a unicorn … WAIT A UNICORN?! She opened the window quickly and stuck her head out. Where did the unicorn go?! It was right there! All of a sudden, she heard the toaster and accidentally banged her head on the window as she was sticking it out. Maybe I was just imagining ; she thought to herself. She quickly ate her breakfast and took her Easter basket. She head outside to be welcomed by all the flowers in the entrance. She walked across the footpath looking around. You NEVER know when you could find something on Easter. She spotted a couple of eggs but nothing else. As she walked around she spotted a unicorn like figure. It was beautiful! She walked towards it. “Wow, what a well made unicorn prop!” she thought to herself. She was looking around the prop, when all of a sudden she heard a neigh. Huh?! What was that?! She looked around. Nobody was there. This was so strange! Could it have been this prop? She looked at the unicorn prop. She looked at it for a few seconds. It blinked. Oh my god what was happening?! She immediately started walking backwards. What on earth was this?! As she was backing away, the unicorn flapped it’s wings and started flying away. She was in too much of a shock to do or say anything. She was in disbelief. She immediately started walking home. This was enough for one Easter. She didn’t want any prizes. Nor did she want chocolate. All she wanted was to get home.

She reached home, put her basket away, went to her room and played some video games for a bit. What a day! At 9 PM, while she was pulling her all nighter like usual, she decided to put some fairy lights around the room and some Easter and Spring decorations just so she would get into the spirit and feel like she had done something on this holiday. Nobody will ever believe her about the unicorn, not even herself!



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