Kitsune the mythical creature of Japan

Devi Nandana
Oct 21, 2020


You probably have no clue who or what is a Kitsune! The Kitsune is an animal in the Japanese tradition. Kitsune in the literal sense is the Japanese word for fox.

These foxes are a part of Japanese fiction. Stories depict these foxes as intelligent beings. It is said that all foxes of these types can shapeshift into human forms.

Some stories show that Kitsunes, use their abilities to trick others. In other stories, they portray them as faithful guardians.

Foxes and Humans lived close to each other in ancient Japan, this companionship gave rise to legends about the creatures.

The more tails a Kitsune has the wiser or older they are. Some times a few of the tails are not seen.

Conversely, foxes were often seen as “witch animals” and often thought as goblins who could not be trusted.

The origin of these mythical creatures is China!

I hope this article gave you some ideas about this mysterious animal. And I hope this article also interests you in researching more about the Kitsune. This is Devi Nandana signing out. Bye-bye Take care!



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