The Movie That Changed My Imagination

Devi Nandana
4 min readApr 30, 2021


‘Inside Out’. This movie has many aspects. Many ideas. A lot of creative features.

For some context, Inside Out is an animated movie, obviously meant for kids. The concept of the movie is that in everyone’s heads is a whole world. The main part is the headquarters. This is the place where the 5 emotions — Joy, Sadness, Disgust, Fear and Anger, control the human. They’re duties are quite obvious.

Joy — The one who is in charge of keeping the human happy. She’s quite important, especially in the childhood phase.

Sadness — She’s is considered the “Least important” until you realize she is really important. You don’t realize it’s important to cry and feel this feeling until you grow up and face these issues and situations.

Anger — He’s the one who makes sure you could get revenge and stand up for yourself. And he’s the one who makes you dramatic and causes anger issues.

Fear — He’s in charge of keeping you safe. But he gets really paranoid and gives anxiety.

Disgust — She’s the one who makes sure that you don’t get poisoned. Disgust is the one who makes you hate broccoli!

Together, these 5 run headquarters.

In headquarters, after even the smallest incident, a ball comes through a pipe. This ball will represent what the incident was according to its color — Red for anger, Yellow for Joy, Purple for fear, Green for disgust and Blue for Sadness. You can replay that memory by swiping it. Or, if the emotions decide to remind the human of an incident or maybe even a project all they have to do is put the ball in the projector and boom!

There are also 5 core memories. These are the 5 memories that are most important to the human. They power the islands. For example, the main character Riley’s 5 islands are Goof Island, Family Island, Hockey Island, Friendship Island and Honesty Island.

“The Point is, these islands make Riley, Riley.” — Joy

These islands are right above of Memory Dump.

There’s this other place called Long Term Memory. This place has EVERY single memory ever in the human’s mind.

There is ANOTHER place in the mind. This is called Imagination Land. Maybe, the place where I think this movie is true. Or at least I IMAGINE this movie is true.

Imagination land is like an amusement park. At the gate of Imagination Island is French Fry Forest. This Imagination Island consists of other places like Cloud town, Trophy town, Pre-School world and some other places. I would imagine these places are different in everyone else’s heads.

I watched the movie years ago, but the most impactful thing about the story is Dreams Productions. It’s the place where Dream’s are made! It’s like television almost!

That’s all my tiny brain can remember. And google apparently.

This is the movie that convinced me that whatever I just wrote is true. I do talk to my emotions sometimes. I do things that will power my islands. Maybe it’s time you find your inner world. Whether you’re a child or not.

I would highly recommend watching the movie. This is Devi Nandana signing out ! Bye Bye from My Headquarters to yours!



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