The Rescue Of Aspen : A She Story

Devi Nandana
4 min readMay 11, 2021


It was a very snowy day. She was sitting on her bed, reading a book, when it started snowing. It was snowing a lot today and it almost felt like a huge storm. Before she could start freezing to death she turned on the heater.

She sat beside her window and read the book “The Miscalculations Of Lightning Girl”. Suddenly, she saw movement in the bushes. It was a while since she had seen foxes! She looked and she didn’t see the usual speedy movement. It was a very slow helpless kind of movement that came from the bush. She was puzzled. Usually, the foxes would run away at the speed of lightning before you could even look at them. This was really strange.

She wanted to go out in the backyard to investigate.

It was 6 AM on a Sunday.

None of her family members had woken up. She was a very brave girl. She put on her cotton long sleeve shirt, her custom made Minnie mouse gloves and another sweater on top in case it was really really cold.

She went outside sneakily, making no noise at all. She started walking slowly towards the bush. Fear started rising in her. As she started getting nearer and nearer she heard a whimper. It sounded like a baby animal. It sounded hurt. She quickly looked into the bush, not caring about how many thorns there were, because she could never stand any animal getting hurt. She peered in, and saw a small husky.

She was extremely puzzled. She also wanted to help the husky so bad. What if the husky was abandoned? How would her parents react?

She immediately went inside and brought a blanket so she could carry the husky safely. She wrapped the husky in the blanket slowly and brought it inside. She did not know how her parents would react seeing a dog in the house. But she didn’t care. She would help the husky. She put the blanket on to a basket and placed the husky on the basket gently. She went upstairs and woke up her parents and did not wake up her younger brother because she was almost sure he would cause chaos.

She explained everything that had happened honestly. Her parents were in shock. They went to check on the husky and the husky was sleeping comfortably in the basket.

“Me and your mother will have to talk about what to do next.” said her dad. “We might have to send the dog to the Puppy Adoption Centre”

“Oh, can’t we please just keep it!” She begged.

“We will discuss about it and let you know what we will do with the dog.” said her mother. “Now go wake your brother.”

She went upstairs very unwillingly and went to wake up her little annoying brother.

Her brother was extremely tired and he just sat on his bed.

She explained everything that happened to him. Her brother bounced with excitement. He wanted to so badly see the puppy!

She and her brother ran downstairs and they started looking at the puppy and trying to play with it.

“Can we keep it?” asked her brother.

“Let’s hope that mom and dad allows to.” She said. “It looks like its previous owner was very mean.”

The poor puppy had scars on his fur almost as if he had been beaten with a stick. And he also had a leash that read “Aspen”.

“Kids.” said his father coming into the hallway where they had been playing with the Husky. “We have decided.”

She and her brother stared at their father, with a desperate look in their eyes. They wanted to keep the puppy safe.

“We have decided.. to keep the puppy.”

“YES!!” “YAY”

Both she and her brother jumped up in joy. Even, the husky was excited and was bouncing around!

“But, you have responsibilities if we are keeping him.” said their mother.


“Aspen?” asked their mother.

“It says Aspen on his leash.” said her brother.

“Well, you kids can play with Aspen now. I’ll go see if we have some of that left over chicken for him.” said mother.

She and her brother spent all of that day playing with Aspen!

At the end of the day, their father said that the next day they were going shopping for Aspen! How exciting!

9 PM.

“What an exhausting day!” She thought. “Tomorrow, we are going to buy Aspen so many things! I bet he deserves it because of all the scars he has!”

Aspen had gotten along well with the family members. He explored every bit of the house and felt just at home! He ate as if he hadn’t eaten in days.

She let Aspen sleep on her bed with her. What an exciting day was coming tomorrow!



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