Things I Wish To Do When Lockdown Is Ever
Life is very uncertain. I thought this was an exaggeration when someone told me this. I didn’t realize it was very true until this whole pandemic. At first, I was so happy that I could stay at home. After a year I would say anything but.
Instead of looking at the things we could have been or the things we could have done, let’s think about the things we CAN do and the things we CAN be!
So, here are some things I want to do after lockdown.
- Going to my favorite restaurant
Before the lockdown, I and my family would ALWAYS go to this one restaurant. We were kind of concerned that we would become too obsessed with this restaurant and miss all the others. Oh boy, I haven’t seen that restaurant in a year now and I badly want to go there!!
2. Move to the new house and go furniture shopping
We will probably go to the new house during the lockdown, but we might not be able to go furniture shopping so that we can properly furnish our rooms.
3. Go to different places
Travelling is one of the best feelings ever (unless I forget to take my medicines)! We could go to the beach, new restaurants, zoos, museums! The list is so long!!!
4. Go back to school!
Something I would never expect myself to say!! I miss going to school, eating lunch with everybody, doing schoolwork, playing outside, going on the bus!!
5. Eat ice cream!
I have not eaten ice cream for over a year now!! I daydream about ice cream a lot and I am also starting to forget what ice cream tasted like!
6. Go to the mall
The only reason I’ve ever gone to the mall is because of the food court and the book store. The rest of the mall trip was just waiting for my mother and sister to pick out clothes that they would only wear once!! But, I still miss that experience.
7. Go to a concert
I’ve never gone to a concert before and I would love to go to one! Why are all these ideas only coming when we are supposed to be in our homes?
Let me know your list of things you want to do when it is safe to go outside! Bye bye! Stay safe!