What I think about Schools
I don’t hate school, although it might seem like all children hate it. I don’t exactly hate it. There’s just somethings that I would like changed.
Disclaimer : These are just the thoughts of a 12 year old girl. It is not to be taken too seriously. Maybe there are things that I am not ready to understand yet. All I am doing, is speaking my child brain.
- “Don’t dream about the past or you will miss the future”
History says something completely different. Why do we NEED to learn about the past? Shouldn’t we be learning to know how to manage responsibilities when we become adults? History isn’t bad, and we should learn about our ancestors. But there should be a balance with the past, present and future right?
2. Mental Illness Studies
From personal experience, this is very important. We had to deal with a mental illness we had never even heard of. We didn’t know how to deal with a person with mental illness. All we could do, is hope that therapy and counseling would work.
Mental Illness is common these days. Anxiety, Depression etc. If we learn about Mental Illness, we can know how to deal with such in the future.
3. Regular Daily Exercise
Because of lockdown all exercise has gone down the dump. And I understand that schools try their hardest to try make us do daily exercise. Maybe one hour of physical activity everyday, compulsory. Then, it will become a daily habit!
4. Household Chores
By that I mean, learning chores and knowing how to manage the house. It can be helpful. Imagine, your parents are away for a day. You’re probably gonna need to do all the chores. Would it not be helpful if we learnt how to manage these before-hand?
That’s all I had to say about schools. As a summary, I just want more subjects that are not book smart, just street smart.
We’re studying for managing responsibilities, family, situations, illness. We’re not going to meet Hitler anyway.